Thursday 26 August 2021

News Topic

 I sat and read through a piece on Newsbusters today.

Topic.....when news is NOT news.

The Media Research Center went reviewed the top three cable news networks.  

What they found in the end....around a quarter of what you see on the air...would be simple old-fashioned regular news.  By that, I mean a regular story with five or six facts, and just a plain outline of the event.  

The rest?  Non-news.  It could be speculation, slanted news, biased opinion, or some moderator leading four folks to say 'something'.

Fox does it.  MSNBC does it.  BBC does it.  NBC, ABC and CBS do it.  PBS does it. 

For about twenty years, I've hyped on this issue...that news isn't really news anymore.  

It reached a point last year with CNN...where you got basically four minutes of news per hour, and the rest was talk-show format, biased slant, or taking four facts into a 30-minute long drawn out discussion.  

One of these networks will eventually wake up and realize they are losing viewers, and invent some new format....where they invent the term 'real news' and limit themselves to only 15-minutes of news per hour.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

The last time I owned a television set was sometime last century.
I have zero-zero-zero interest in televisionprogramming.
One reason I quit:
* insulting in its catering to stupidity
The other reason:
* reporters interviewing reporters about reports from reporters