Tuesday 17 August 2021

The Design of a Plan for Biden to Fail Miserably

 When you go back to the July press conference, and President Biden gives his 'zero-speech'....this is a position taken by his own White House advisers.  All the BS in this Q-and-A session....all position points written by his own people.

The attempt to keep the carrot-and-stick approach by Trump?  Gone.  Any real exit plan to anticipate the fall?  Marginally existing.  

When you stand and admire the landscape on this moment in history....it's like some group intentionally wanted Biden to fail in a fairly miserable way.  They gave him this one particular position....giving him the words for the July chat with the news media, and held his hand all the way up until last week when reality finally struck.

If you were a normal guy....you'd fire the advisers (not tomorrow or next week, but today).  You don't see that....so I'd anticipate for the foreseeable future....the same 'design-team' is at work....creating the next blunder for President Biden to walk into and accomplish. 

In simple terms, we all realize now that we are in the Biden-Yugo, and are utterly dependent upon 'luck' to make it onto the next repair station (2024).  

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