Thursday 16 September 2021

'Dog Crap' Left For Biden to Clean Up

 With all the dementia chatter and Afghanistan chatter....this week, President Biden was given an enormous amount of 'dog crap' to clean up, or just pretend it never occurred....with the General Milley episode.

He has four options:

1.  Do nothing and just hope things go away.  This might work until January 2023, when both the House/Senate flips over and it's GOP.  For that entire's hearing after hearing over what Milley did, how Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer are involved, and who in the NSA, CIA knew about Milley.

2.  Hope that Milley reaches some level of the Admiral Boorda situation.  

3.  Fire Milley, and just avoid hearings.

4.  Talk the Democrats into having hearings, and focus it all on poorly behaved military idiots.  

The problem here....each month that passes with no real action....gears up the mid-terms to be a bigger than average mess.

Added to this burden....if Milley believed Trump eventually became a problem and took away his nuke-power.....wouldn't the same logic occur with Biden?  If I were Biden.....something serious would have to occur (sooner than later).  

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