Thursday 30 September 2021

Immaturity Landscape

 There's this Harvard professor....Jeannie Suk Gersen, who has sat down and analyzed a problem.

The issue?  The invention of 'trigger warnings' for student probably has zero value.

All of this trigger warning business revolves around the idea that kids (ages 15 to 25) might have a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and we need some 'device' to make them feel safe.

But as you gaze at this....what exactly are you making them feel safe from?  

For the past five years, I keep looking at this PTSD-like discussion, the safe-from factor, and how immature this group behaves.  

If I owned a business with fifty-odd people and I had to deal to deal with eight young people with this PTSD-like be honest, I'd fire them after two weeks.  

My question....where the heck did they come from?  Did aliens just drop them off the back of the ship one day?  Did they get some indoctrination stuff from high school?  Did Chinese communists structure Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to brainwash the kids?  How did all of these folks get the 'I-gotta-save-the-world' agenda?

It's like they all suffered some trauma....being at some major car-wreck or watching the Titanic actually sink, or they all felt the Kardashian 'pain' at the same time.

So the view from this landscape....all this trigger-talk...a total waste?  I see a bunch of immature adults unable to handle plain regular stress.  These are people who shouldn't be in college.....shouldn't be working in any job-environment where stress exists....and can't be trusted to even handle a credit card with a $1000 max.  

A million-plus Americans in this landscape?  That's the really crazy thing about this trend.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

Descending-radius spiral circular firing-squad.
[watching from a safe distance]