Tuesday 14 September 2021

Name Story

 There is a discussion going on in New Zealand.

I'd rate this a one-star talk presently, but likely to consume the country by the end of 2022.

The idea?  Well....the Maori people (local natives) want to rename the country.

New name?  "Aotearoa."

It means "land of the long, white cloud".

Odds of this happening?  Well....here's the current landscape of New Zealand....it's hyped up on 'politically correctness'.  I'd take a humble guess that somewhere between 25 to 50 percent of public lean toward political correctness being the standard way of resolving things.  It wouldn't take that much to achieve Aotearoa.

The thing I'd see about this....once you got this situation done and renamed.....what would stop you from renaming Christchurch, Wellington, or Auckland?  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

Those Aotearoaians, always with the fun!
In other news, frequent commenter LM immediately applies for Aotearoaian passport to use as a fun-time prop during person-in-the-street interviews:
* "From which star system is Aotearoa, and how many light-years to get here from there?"
* "Could you recognize a Aotearoaian by their number of eyes?"
* "Do you think we could ever sit down and have a civil conversion with the Aotearoaian race... given their history of constantly changing everything?"