Sunday 12 September 2021

Paint Story

 So I was reading a CNBC business report this AM, and this odd story comes out....there's a national shortage of paint going on.

The jest of this?

Several factors occurred in 2021....mainly around Covid, that freeze-period in Texas, a supply chain problem, and escalating prices.

As the stores describe it....sales are at a robust stage, and not slowing down....even though it costs more to buy paint now.

How long this trend holds?  Well....the business opinion is that the trend continues into if you did have a paint job on your might be shocked at what paint now costs, and wondering about waiting a couple of months.  My advice....that couple of months might end up being a full year for prices to drop back down to normal.

So if the wife has been after you to paint the exterior of the garage....explain the money angle to her and hope that she finds a cheaper project for you to work upon.

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