Friday 3 September 2021

Sick-Days? For Students?

 So I read through this story today....Governor of Illinois....J.B. Pritzker (a Democrat) did the final signing of a law...that basically says students (meaning college and high school) could take a "mental health" emotional/mental day off....without any real paperwork/documents.....or signed by a doctor.

Parent's signature?  No....there's no mandate that Mom, or Dad have to sign the note.

So you'd just wake up on a Tuesday, and think.....'boy, I just feel negative', and take the day off (from the 9th grade).  Teacher asks you the next day where you were, and you took a day off.

The odds that this one day each month?  Oh yeah.

The odds in two years that you get a day-off every two weeks?  Oh yeah.

What does a kid do on a emotional day off? my old days....being sickly on the farm....I'd watch Gilligan's Island, Password, Phil Donahue, and General Hospital.  I'm kinda wondering what these kids of today will watch (probably zombie movies, or Zoom-Chat with Chinese revolutionary geeks).

Crapped-up?  Well....yeah, I'd say that.  If you came to me about feeling negative...I'd suggest you go haul 100 bales of hay on a warm July afternoon,  or fill a hundred sandbags, or cut firewood for a couple of hours.  

You just end up breeding 'losers' and everyone unfit for any moment of chaos or frustration in life.  

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