Thursday 2 September 2021

The Problem With Dumbass Teachers

 I was reading a piece this week over a California teacher (grade-school) that had decided to remove the US flag in her room (feeling it was threatening), and replaced it with the 'gay-flag' (rainbow design).  The Pledge of Allegiance?  She convinced the kids to say it, while facing the 'gay-flag'.  

Well....this all came out in local news (southern California) and it appears that they've put the teacher on suspension, and having some investigation on the matter.  A sub has been called in for a while (another news piece suggests that), and I suspect the sub might be around through Halloween as a minimum. 

So I pondered over this discussion.

Young gal...maybe mid-to-late 20s.  Probably out of college in the past two or three years.

Dumbass-level?  On a scale of one to ten....I'd say 9-to-10.  Just doing this was bad enough, but then advertising on Tik-Tok that you'd done it....almost bragging on the ease of this....was extremely stupid.

In the late 1960s and up to 1977....I attended what was a rural-region school, and looking back....I had around two dumb-ass teachers.  

Of the was simply not capable of conveying math situations, and was ill-qualified for that particular subject.  Another had a problem with the subject of evolution and would never dare allow the topic to be openly discussed in the classroom.  

My suspicion is that various teachers came out of the system over the past thirty years....with marginal qualifications from the university experience, and probably are more qualified to run a Dairy Queen shop than a classroom.  

So....ask yourself...what exactly will happen to this dimwit when the school pulls the contract out and fires her?  You wasted four years getting a degree that you can't use?  I'm guessing she will find some group to sponsor her and just disappear out of California....ending up in Oregon.  A month or two later....the locals will figure who she is, and ask that she be let go.  

She'll probably end up in some Baltimore school (they will take anyone), and curse the whole mess that she created for herself.

Will kids now start to figure out this dumbass angle and question authority?  I wouldn't be that surprised that a even bigger mess gets created over the next decade....where school kids stage revolutions and the whole system starts to fail.

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