Tuesday 19 October 2021

Cognition Tests?

 I noticed in the past couple of days....Senator Bill Cassidy (actually a doctor) has suggested that cognition tests ought to be mandated no only to the executive branch of government.....but also to the leadership legislative branch.

So what would happen if a mandate occurred and you demanded not only the President and Vice-President took the cognition tests yearly, but the rest of the cabinet officials and the next 500 executives/generals of the government?  Personally, I'd take a guess that at least a dozen would fail the first round of the tests....openly challenge the quality of the test, and five or six would be forced to retire.

If forced in the House/Senate....just among the top of each party, the House Speaker, and the head of each committee?  Presently, I'd suggest at least three people failing the cognition tests.  

What'd we notice is that it's mostly all people over the age of seventy or people who'd been identified as heavy drinkers for the past thirty years of their life.

Is it even possible to mandate this?  I doubt it....without the power of the Constitution....it won't occur.  

What'll eventually happen?  I suspect at some point in 2022....some episode will unfold at the White House where Joe Biden goes to some extreme and spends five minutes lecturing people over some silly non-existent problem, or talking about his brief non-existent season in the NFL as a quarterback for the Rams.  

At that point, the general public will ask why we can't test these folks. 

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