Sunday 31 October 2021


 1.  Joe in Rome.  I had to sit and read through several stories, and there are two that stand out.

First, President Biden wrapped up his visit to the Vatican with a drive-around-Rome episode.  I'm guessing the mayor arranged this with several hundred police holding off traffic, while the Presidential motorcade passed around forty odd historic sites.  The group never stopped....far as I can tell....Joe just looked at the window and someone probably said 'we just passed such-and-such'.  The comical side of this....there were a total of 85 vehicles.  There was the entourage, the Secret Service team, support personnel, etc.  If you wanted to make a anti-statement about climate change and the way that we accomplish it....the 85 vehicles would be a good starting point.

Second, Joe's team had some type of scripted deal that they wanted Pope Francis to say and do, with cameras running.  The Pope was supposed say such-and-such....Joe had memorized some lines and would respond with such-and-such.  Choreographed?  Yeah.  The Pope's people, at least until that morning thought it was just some talking topics, and once the choreography was apparent.....they said 'NO'.....we ain't some type of TV production (like Knight Rider, MacGyver, or the Fall Guy).  At that point of the 'show' starting coverage stopped.  This brings me after day in America, since day one of the administration....has it been the 'Joe-Show'?

2.  Kaepernick came out and said that the NFL draft system was somewhat like slavery.  He didn't say much about how he'd replace it.  I paused over the draft system....which gives loser-teams a chance to get a decent pick, and maybe rebuild (of course, unless you were the Bengals of Cincinnati).  If you just threw things out, and said it was purely about money offerings, then teams like the Patriots or Rams would be in the Super Bowl nine times out of ten and forever be signing the best players each year.  If you wanted advance past the Patriots/'d have to pay a tremendous amount of money, and ticket prices for various teams would double within two to four years.  

It's just another occasion that logic defies the Kaepernick vision.

3.  Some study was done....really just a poll....where they asked folks if they had witnessed ghostly things in their house/apartment.  83-percent of Americans said 'yeah'.   Now, no one asked if they were smoking some cannabis, drinking heavily or maybe doing a bit of LSD when this occurred.

4.  There are now four different versions of 'Lets Go Brandon' in the I-Tunes top ten.  It seems like every three or four days....someone cranks out a pretty good tune with the magic words. 

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

Which Glorious Leader chinesium joe biden / MostPopularPresidentEver impersonator was in Rome?
Was zuck involved, perfecting his 'five-friends' VR goggles using MostPopularPresidentEver?