Sunday 10 October 2021

Which Came First? Domestication of the Human, or the Dog?

 99.9-percent of scientists will say that the human was all domesticated and later came the introduction of 'Rufus' (the dog).

I have a different theory (although admitting I'm not a scientist).  

I would suggest around 20,000 years some remote valley, Yorg (the cave-guy) walked over some hill, and here was a Border Collie who he affectionally named 'Marvin'.  

Marvin (the Border Collie) felt generally superior, and over the next week came to notice several traits about Yorg that needed improving.  

Namely?  Well....Yorg never walked in a straight line from point A to point B.  Marvin began to grasp this and 'bump' Yorg's keep him focused and walking in a straight line.  

Then there was the intense stare of Marvin upon Yorg....which unsettled Yorg a bit....causing him to scrutinize his habits and behavior.  

The herding business?  This also caused Yorg to change his daily actions.

If they didn't do the daily walks?  Well....Marvin would start to develop demanding tasks of Yorg, to keep him busy.

Hatred of lightning or thunder?  Marvin convinced Yorg to seek caves and shelter. 

As the weeks went by, Yorg became more domesticated and moved from number 8 status within the tribal number one.  Tribal women began to notice Yorg and his faithful companion Marvin.  The women would compliment Yorg on his hygiene, analysis, and cleverness.....never grasping that Marvin was the cause.

As generations would come and go.....each went to a higher level of domestication....all triggered by the original Border Collie....Marvin.  

Anyway, that's my theory of human evolution.  

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