Tuesday 23 November 2021

Can Biden Be a Lame Duck President at the Second-Year Point?

 You can ask a lot of stupid questions over this lame duck situation, and it should not have come up over the past week.  But it's being asked a good bit.

If Biden says 'no'....he won't run....what happens?  Generally, people believe that Mayor-Pete and VP Harris are the top two for the 2024 election.

People thrilled about this?  On Harris, I suspect if you measured Iowa, South Carolina, New Hampshire and Nevada....I don't think she has much to hope for.  On Mayor Pete....he might have some standings in Nevada, but he's got the logistics mess on his accomplishments list.  

In simple terms, the Democrats don't need 2022 or 2023 with President Biden listed as a lame duck.  It hurts the mid-terms of 2022, and the House/Senate race in 2024. 

Stacey Abrams as a contender?  Well...over the weekend, I read two pieces that went at her odds.  She has no message that resonates much with Iowa or New Hampshire folks.  On making speeches....if she hired two or three competent people....she might get some traction.  But her chief problem....she has a 3 x 5 inch index card for a resume.  There's no accomplishments that show strength or character.

Cuomo from NY?  Totally out.

Newsome from California?  He says he's not in the running (I have my doubts it'll stay that way).

Bernie Sanders?  He says he's finished for Presidential campaigns.

Warren?  She kinda noticed from the 2020 campaign....there's just zero thrills over her efforts.

For lame duck thrills?  You really don't want to enter 2022....with people already hyping up lame duck status for Biden.  You'd have to hear at least one question every day at the press conference....if Biden thinks he's a lame duck guy.  

Did anyone really think much about this in November 2020?  No.  That's the curious part of this discussion.  It's like some guy waking up in some Twilight Zone episode and not recognizing much of anything familar.  

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