Sunday 14 November 2021


 I don't usually talk much politics over my home state (Alabama) but the governor's race is next November.

In the running currently, under the GOP, we have a lesser-known guy running....Dean Oldie.  Oldie has the profession of Pentecostal minister....meaning he believes in the speaking in 'tongues' and that demons (if found in people) need to be cast out.

I sat and pondered over the guy, if he were to win the election and be governor. 

First, we do have a lot of tormented folks in Alabama, with probable 'demons' (really just mental disease or damage from years of alcohol/drugs).  As governor, he'd be an asset to cast out these demons.

Second, the demon-hunter crowd generally always drifts over to the Republicans....NOT the Democrats.  It ought to be 50-50 here, but it isn't.

Third and final, one negative of getting this guy out in'll attract the pro-demon crowd to get more political.  Hard to say if they will stand with the Republicans or the Democrats.  But I doubt that we really need more pro-demon positions on things (like Covid).  

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