Friday 12 November 2021

UFO Chatter

 The top official of various US intelligence groups....came out and talked over UFOs briefly.  So what she said in essence....there's mounting evidence, but intelligence people ask 'whats the real landscape' (where all this leads to), and they can't answer that.

Having viewed all the chatter....over years, I will offer three observations:

1.  There's serious physical limits (at least upon humans) to travel for years in space.  This has been discussed at length.  I'm one of those people who believe none of these are actual beings, but AI-robots, with given instructions.  

2.  You can pretty much assume the 'end-game' contains only two options: gain resources/minerals, or assemble knowledge or data or society.  If they wanted to conquer society....they'd just turn some stupid bat-virus loose and immunize people with a counter-productive vaccine.  

3.  Maybe they are the ones who planted all that exists on Earth.

Beyond that....there's nothing much to be discussed.  If they wanted to hide themselves....they've done a poor job.  

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