Monday 20 December 2021

How 2021 Ends

 1.  We more or less....confirmed UFOs, and no one really got excited.  In fact, by the end of 2021....the Pentagon had recreated a division to analyze this from top to bottom.

2.  The 6th of January episode?  Around 200-odd people served up a revolution with flag poles, backpacks and water bottles.  A couple of folks (cops included) died from heart attacks....with one single person shot dead, by the law enforcement folks (note, this lady was unarmed).  Revolution?  With water bottles and flag poles?  If you tried to tell  this story to a Afghan or Iraqi....he'd just start laughing.

3.  You end up with a 3 x 5 inch index card resume for a Vice-President.  The most unqualified individual in US history.....acting as VP.

4.  Covid?  It was front-page news on 1 January and will be front-page news on 31 December.

5.  Joe Biden?  We aren't even at day 365 yet for President Joe, but there are various Democratic characters discussing the need for Joe to 'go'.

6.  As bad as the economic landscape looked in 2021....a fair number of people expect the same or more in 2022.

7.  CNN reached the point of failure.

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