Thursday 13 January 2022

Five Things On My Mind

 1.  How many FBI informants were in DC on the 6th of January 2021?  

The more you think about this....the more humorous the topic becomes.  Personally, it wouldn't shock me if the FBI had a minimum of fifty informants within the various militia groups that gathered up, and half of them were reporting on the other half. 

2.  Are there 50-million Covid test kits sitting in a government warehouse?

Well...probably so (the news people hint this).  So I ponder upon this and will simply note....each box has a expiration date from production (typically 12 months from that day).  So unless you had a really smart guy managing the warehouse....the odds are that the kits are reaching an expiration day in the next month or two.  It's a waste of time and effort for the government to get into this type of purchasing plan.

3.  Did a 'hot' mic catch Doctor Fauci uttering 'moron' at a Republican Senator?

Yes.  And if this were the 1970s/1980s....there would have been a budget cut forced upon Fauci's agency to pay him for his insult.  

4.  The US Army holding an exercise in a rural area of North Carolina that injects a guerilla war scenario?

Rather than hold this on a normal Army post (dozens of training areas throughout the US).....this is done in the a normal town environment of North Carolina.  There are potentially a thousand things that can go wrong, and I can't imagine a senior Army officer signing off on this idea.  

5.  China engaging in changing Cuba?

First, I think if you took a thousand Chinese folks and dumped them into Cuba for a year....99-percent would be permanently changed and would probably unable to revert back to their old traditions in China.  Maybe the political leadership in China thinks they can accomplish something, but I seriously doubt it.  

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