Tuesday 4 January 2022

Geographically Controlled?

 It's an interesting story.

Back in September, the Biden administration decided that the federal government needed to 'control' the market of monoclonal antibody treatments....using the Department of Health and Human Services to "help maintain equitable distribution, both geographically and temporally, across the country."

This has drawn a fair amount of attention. 

Is there an unlimited amount of the monoclonal antibody 'material'?  No.  And I should add....it's not cheap.  But it's a product that was already 'controlled' (before this DHHS order came along), and you can only get it via a prescription from your doctor.

The thing is....they wrote this odd order about 'geographically-controlling' things. This means if you have x-amount of monoclonal antibody treatments....you have to divide in some way along 50 lines.  So if you have ten states with intense high numbers and ten states with almost no serious bouts of Covid....the ten states with the marginal Covid will still have their supply of monoclonal antibody sitting there in some government warehouse.  The ten states with intense issues.....will be facing a shortage.

Begging for a court battle?  More or less.  But if you had some relative in an intense state who gets Covid, and dies because of a lack of monoclonal antibody....it's possible you might get mad enough to hire lawyers and start suing DHHS health folks....in a personal way. 

So this brings me to this odd point....where exactly do you want the government to be in the middle of some funnel, and controlling things?

Some examples:

If we have x-amount of Mountain Dew, do we want President Biden to issue the order to geographically control Dew through the 50 states....even though folks in Montana, Idaho and Maine rarely drink it?

If we had x-amount of Viagra, do we want President Biden to issue the order to geographically control Viagra through the 50 states....even if folks in Vermont, New Hampshire and Rhode Island rarely use it?

If we had x-amount of peanut butter, do we want the President to issue the order to geographically control it through the 50 states? 

Does President Biden even grasp the order given?  It might be interesting to ask that question.  I'm just waiting for an added part to this discussion....where the antibody is only issue/prescribed.....to vaxed-up people. 

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