Saturday 8 January 2022

Inslee on Lying

 I picked up this story about six hours ago.

Washington state Democratic Governor Jay Inslee has now said that he'd like to make a new law for the state.....that it would turn into a crime if any elected official/candidate lies on election results.

After a fair amount of thinking.....I actually think it's a great idea, but I'd suggest it only goes 1-percent of the way.  

I think for any lie....for any purpose....ought to invoke this lie crime situation, and either get you jail-time or some hefty fine.

We'd have a full-time truth commission, where forty-odd people are sworn to some level of truth, and will guard the public from lies.  Upon having a mayor, or commissioner, or policeman caught in a lie.....they'd just fill out the charges and send the guy to court.  

Odds that 1,500 state folks would be sent off to jail or terminated from employment?  Well....yeah, that probably would occur.  

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