Thursday 6 January 2022


 1.  This I-95 'stranded business' in Virginia.  If you went and reviewed regional weather forecasts....around six hours prior to the 'delivery' of the snow business to I-95....the weather guys were already chatting over the extent of the problem.  Responsible people (including truckers) should have taken the warning, and simply picked a quiet safe spot to hunker down for 36 hours and then proceed on.  That didn't happen.  

Around 25 years ago, I was on a base where they made a ice-call at 11 AM....saying everyone that lived more than 30 minutes away from base needed to leave by 1:30 PM.  I had a project and didn't leave until 2:30 PM.....clearly running into the mess as they had predicted.  I didn't get home until 7:00 PM that evening.  So my advice....listen to the weather guys and act accordingly.

2.  The odds of Ghislaine Maxwell's case now being dumped?  Since two jurors stood up in the talk-phase and mentioned their situation with abuse in their life....I'd give Maxwell a 90-percent chance now of having the case thrown out.  The prosecution folks?  They have to be furious about what happened and the idea of a whole repeat.  

3. 'Don't get tested'.  The Florida surgeon general had to go out and urge people.....if you don't have Covid symptoms....don't go and get line to be tested for Covid.  

No one says the numbers but I remember the initial period in 2020 in Germany where doctors absolutely refused to administer the test unless you confessed to one of four key symptoms.  They kept that stance up for at least three months.  People are just inclined to think they have something....when they don't have anything.

4.  NY Times and Omicron. simple terms, they more or less compare it to regular flu.  I never thought this day would come.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.  

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