Saturday 1 January 2022

Reflecting Over 'Silent Sea'

 Netflix produced a South Korean series that was released in the past week....called 'Silent Sea'.  I'll describe it as a Sci-Fi series, around eight episodes (45 minutes each).  Observations:

1. On script....I'd give it five stars and suggest that it ranks up there with 'Forbidden Planet' (1956).  It's actually a great story.

2.  Landscape (moon surface)?  Fairly realistic and I'd have to give them plus points there.

3.  Acting?  Some great moments....some marginal moments..

4.  The suggestion of corruption?  Drilled down, and about every 15 get another dose on why you can't trust the government.  

So I recommend a viewing via Netflix and would suggest it's probably one of the five best South Korean series of the past decade, and I'd suggest it in the top ten of US-made Sci-Fi productions.  

My only negative?  The last ten minutes is confusing, and needs a make-over.  I won't go into details, but will just say I had to watch that segment four times, and still don't get it.  

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