Wednesday 2 February 2022

When in the Presence of a 5th-Grade 'Kid'


It's kinda like when you are engaged in a conversation with a 5th-grade know-it-all kid who wants to explain evolution, IP addresses, the way that water-towers function, orbits of satellites, mercury thermometers, string theory, Wi-Fi, Pi, or cryptocurrency.  After a while, you tell the fifth-grade kid to scram.

Maybe fifty years ago...some idiot politician could say something and six months later....we'd just forget about what the guy said.  

Today, all this gibberish that was said in 2019/ just laying there.  You pick up a piece and then you remember.....oh yeah, he did say that crap two years ago.

The truth is....if the 5th-grade kid would just limit himself and talk over Gilligan's Island and what the castaways should have done, it'd be OK.  If the kid would just discuss fumes put off by scented candles for three lousy'd be OK.  If the kid would just limit himself to discussing the starting pitchers of the Braves....I'd be willing to sit and talk about their upcoming season pitching staff.

But if you got a 80-year old talkative guy who is acting like a 5th-grader and just jabbering away with'd like to ask him to get off the porch, and just go home.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

"It's time to do the things we have been doing and that time is every day!"
[may not be word-for-word, but it gives the jist]
Instead of alexandaria o'casio-cortez for president, how about the 'cash me outside' woman?
With the new voting app for telephones, I think she could be a 'shoe-in'.