Friday 18 February 2022

Who Did Lee Harvey Oswald Call From the Jail-House?

For a number of years, I often wondered about the hours after the arrest, and if Oswald tried to call anyone.

Recently, I stumbled across a reporter who went and backtracked over that question.  You can view his presentation here.

Yes, Oswald did attempt to call someone.

Figure?  John Hunt, Raleigh, NC.

There was an issue in this attempt (actually two issues).

First, the FBI didn't want the call to go through, and told the operator that.

Second, there were two John Hunts at that time in Raleigh.  

Who were the two?  One was a younger guy who worked in a tire shop.  He's generally always discounted.

The second Hunt?  Well.....this leads onto a curious episode.  This was a guy who'd gone off to WW II and been a behind-the-lines person....'spy' in simple terms, and likely came out of the war with mental/physical scars.  From 1945 on, he was a 'trainer' of sorts, and in the late 1950s....was apparently working for a government facility at Nag's Head, NC.

Why call Hunt?  Well....that's the unknown part of the story.  

There are two individuals who have spoken suggest that Oswald came to this 'spy' school at Nags Head in the late 1950s for a couple of months.  One suggesting that he was in a Russian language class.

Any mention of the attempted call in the Warren Commission Report?  No.  Any mention of Hunt?  No.  Why the two FBI guys didn't want the call to go through? Unknown.  

If the call had gone through?  Hunt answering the phone, and Oswald asking for help?  It begs a lot of questions.  

If Oswald did attend the school, where does this lead the whole story with the Kennedy business?  

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