Friday 29 April 2022

The Stick-World We Live In

 There's some kind of weird fight going on via Twitter....over a stick-man presentation by Elon Musk, and a stick-man presentation by WaPo.

This is Elon's presentation:

What he is generally saying.....there was a center-point in 2008, and most people were slightly to the left.  Then Elon suggests that by 2012 (just four years later, under the Obama period), the left moved (ran) a good bit further left.  

Then he says by 2021....the center-line is at x-point, with the average 'stick-man' to the right-of-center.

The WaPo stick-man image?  Well...they say that that stick-men were center-center in 2008, then as 2012 came....the left and right went to further extremes...leaving the poor stick-man still in the middle for the most part.

Then in their chatter, fo 2021....stick-men are in the middle point, with the left closer to them.....and those radical right people further from the center.

So you waste this 30-minute period looking at Elon's drawing, then the WaPo drawing.....then finally only see three stick-men, where are the other 97 stick-people (making an even hundred)?  They are standing there in the landscape....furious as heck over political games, economic doom strategies, and fake news generated minute-by-minute.  There's probably even a orange-hair stick-man....yelling 'fire-him' over and over.  

Adding to this?  Why do both Elon and WaPo want to start with 2008, use 2012 as their second point, and settle upon 2021?  Basic cherry-picking, and both not wanting to the discuss the past fifty years (from 1963's assassination, the Watergate era, the Iran-Contra period, the Clinton corruption, 9-11 questions that remain, and various comedies that came out of the Obama era).  

Unfortunately, the stick-men ought to have a voice, and you can't allow that to occur, without Twitter being free and open. 

Yes, sadly, we are the stick-men and we'd like to be more than that.   (maybe even start a stick-man party?)

All of this to lead to forty different variations of the stick-man graph?  Yeah....I'm betting on it.  My brother, the engineer-farmer?  He's probably working on some drawing for stick-cows, stick-dogs, and stick-tractors.  Somewhere out there....there's some guy working on lustful stick-women, trailer-park stick-women, and fentanyl stick-men (laying flat on the ground).   Someone is probably even working on a complete five-hundred page book to explain stick-men to the non-technical geek who runs a apple orchard in Oregon, or hustles up hot stick-women for late night activity.  

Yes, we have collapsed to a state that even the Greeks would be shocked how things work today.   

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