Sunday 29 May 2022

Deep Space Nine Wrap-Up

 This week, I finished up a three-month viewing of the 176 episodes of the series (ending in 1999).  (yeah, I am a binge viewer)

Back in the 90s....I probably watched around ten episodes....mostly because I was stationed overseas at the time.  Since it's on Netflix....I figured to satisfy my curiosity.  

My seven observations:

1.  On my soap-operaish's a '9'.  In fact, I consider more of a soap opera than a science fiction series.

2.  The Dax character?  She's a four-star slut/tramp and the writers everything possible to bring her across as a nice and intelligent tramp.  

3.  The Ferengi folks?  Actually, the storylines that involves these capitalistic folks interested me the most.  

4.  The last season (season 7) was fairly crappy on story content, and just seemed like a waste.

5.  Probably out of every episode I'd rate as 4-star....there was one that were marginally worth watching.  I'd blame part of that on scripts, but some lead back to zero-exploration....which is the gimmick that made the original Star Trek series worth watching.

6.  The romance episodes were cheesy 'General Hospital' soap opera gimmicks.

7.  Finally, Captain Sisko....pound for pound, gave Kirk a run for his money. 

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

And the theme over the opening credits... magnificent!