Friday 6 May 2022


 1.  Some poll out....Trump versus Biden....Trump at 50-percent, and Biden at 36-percent.  

Really, not that much of a shocker.  If you were making up a 'gotta-get-this-done' list, Biden has enough to put on a 3 x 5 inch index card for a 16-month period, and a full-page of negatives on the other sheet.  

But here's the thing, I really don't see Biden as the 2024 candidate....nor do I see Harris elevating herself to be the candidate. So the poll is mostly worthless.

2.  This talk of the Russia 'campaign' mostly stalled?  Well.....three weeks ago, they disengaged from Kiev, and moved most of what remained to the eastern part of the country.  This was supposed to bulk-up and end the war by mid-May.  So far, that agenda has shown mostly 'crap'.

This list of promised weapons to Ukraine?  Well....they start arriving toward the first week of mid-June, I expect a evolution of the war (call it 2.0 version) to occur.  

It would be a major thing for Russia to end the war now....if they wait six weeks....this whole thing turns into a bigger mess to exit out of.  

3.  Fixing the Roe-versus-Wade mess now?  Other than writing a 'code' (law) to make some change.....little else.  But here's the thing, this 'code' will be immedately challenged to the Supreme Court, and I would expect by the end of 2022....the court has to listen to a challenge, and by spring of 2023.....they say that 'code' is crapped-up.  

Simple words, the court wants you to write a Constitutional change, which you can't pass via the 50 states.  

1992 was the last time that the Constitution was 'amended'.  Lot of water under this bridge since then, and getting anything changed (even term-limits) is near impossible.

4.  Just a prediction, but by 2023....I expect at least four federal buildings in DC to be fence-protected (the Supreme Court to be the first).  I also will predict that the court goes to a remote location within sixty conduct normal business (probably some military base).

5.  Lot of chatter in DC this week over UFOs.  Odd meeting....Pentagon presenting 'talk' to House.  Didn't seem to be anything new and was mostly same info handed out from five years ago.  Just a suggestion, I think the clock is ticking where the whole UFO business will be yanked from Pentagon and given to 'someone else'.  

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