Tuesday 28 June 2022

Abortion 'Tourism'?

 VP Harris brought up that the administration is reviewing the idea of travel 'vouchers'....for birthing-people who live in zero-abortion states....to get them into the right state for their 'treatment'.

I sat and pondered over the idea.

Scenario 1: Wanda is 14, and is pregnant from Marvin (age 15).  They live in a zero-abortion state, but only by 8 miles.  In simple terms, the parents could drive Wanda just over the border.  Because of this federal hype....instead, they'd probably opt for a voucher deal to take them (the parents accompanying Wanda) to Nevada (their choice).  Somewhere in the regulations likely to come....Marvin would also be allowed in the crew voucher deal, and accompany Wanda.  Voucher cost for hotel/air fare.....for the four?  Probably over $3,000.  

Scenario 2: Six months into a voucher program....it comes up that at least 300 women using it....apparently not that pregnant to require a plane-trip or abortion.  Government authorities try to explain this but it requires a Congressional hearing to get the whole story out there.

Scenario 3: A year into the program, some health official writes a regulation into the situation, which mandates the birthing person should get five days of rest after the abortion....meaning a hotel cost of possibly $150 a night added, with $35 for each day of chow.

Scenario 4: An argument starts up in the first year....if bus usage should be emphasized over air-travel.

I don't want to dampen folk's view of this, but having the federal government cook up the 'fix'....often results in a pretty crappy solution where no one is really happy.

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

Headline as I walked past the newspaper rack:
* gal with goofy name swore-in as First! Black! Woman! justice.
That same woman was unable to define 'woman'?