Tuesday 28 June 2022


 1.  I sat and watched VP Harris do a sit-down interview with CNN this morning....around a 11-minute piece.  If you were moderate or hopeful of her convincing you that she's presidential-material (for 2024)?  Forget it.....that interview cleansed that thought.

So it brings me to this thought....up to the 1980s....no one in America could ever remember the name of the VP.  You never saw them other than funerals of people or at some baseball game.  It's basically when we come to Dan Quayle....that folks get into magnet-status.  VP Gore?  The major news folks hyped him every chance possible.  

2.  Some idiots have been pushing on an agenda to go and censor 'old' movies....because the scenes and dialog violates woke-standards.  Paramount CEO said bluntly....'no'.  

If you just picked up True Grit or 1966's The Bible....you'd probably have to cut at least 10 minutes off each movie, or just mute the sound.

3.  Over the past couple of weeks....just been a number of ammo storage areas belonging to Russia....in Ukraine....hit/blown up.  

Someone for the Ukrainians got smart and prioritized a target that would have serious problems for the Russians.  Imagine being some conscript and given just twenty bullets for your 12-hour patrol.

4.  Government regulation coming around....if you did do intelligence work for the government, and the question came up about your pot-smoking...it used to prevent you from getting the higher clearances.  Today?  No, past pot smoking isn't a big deal.  Note, they are just saying past use is OK....they aren't saying present use is OK.

Somehow, they have it in their head that the once-in-their-life user will come out and want to be a intel-guy badly.  At best, I would imagine they get 20 more 'recruits' a year into intel....who admit past use.  

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