Sunday 31 July 2022

I Had To Look This Up

 This popped up today on social media.....some guy attempting to watch a movie off Hulu's network.

So the warning is: 'This film contains flashing lights, themes of trauma, and an unlikeable female protagonist'.

I grew up in the 1960s/1970s, and frankly....there just weren't warnings over anything you saw at the theater or on this is all new for me.

The most frightful movie, without warnings ever?  Well....the Exorcist.  That was pretty 'wild'.

So I had to look up protagonist, to make sure I understood the full meaning.  When you have a movie or TV show, and it's full 'push' or dynamic is resting on the shoulders of one single character....that individual is a protagonist.  Without him.....the script won't work. 

Examples?  Dirty Harry, James Bond, Norman Bates.  

So the question you really need to warn folks over a movie....that might have a male or female protagonist situation? 

If you follow this logic....shouldn't there be warnings over people dancing in the movie, or a warning over people sipping beer/cocktails, or a warning over some trampy woman offering up some hot lust?  

Somewhere in twenty years....I expect at least a dozen warnings to come up as a movie starts.....warning you about men with moustaches, women with exposed boobs, fake zombies, people sipping a zero-calorie drink, or kids farting. 

Frankly, society is coming to an end, and this BS is just speeding up the process.   

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