Saturday 5 November 2022


 If you'd asked a kid....prior to 1973....what inflation was, I would have responded that it was the act of inflating a tire when flat.  Beyond that, I had no idea.

So along came the period of 1973.  This definition problem came up in class, and the history teacher probably spent three-quarters of a class trying to detail what this was.  To be frank, he did a crappy job.

Eventually, some kid in the class asked the correct this related to a soda and candy bar at the canteen (the snack shop of the school).  

The answer came forth, and 90-percent of the class....with the help of a soda/candy bar theme....came to grasp inflation.

I should state for the record, that the remaining ten percent felt this was rocket science and too much heavy information to lay upon them.

To be honest, once you get to your mid-30s.....making real money and spending real money....inflation is pretty simple to understand.

But what bothers me have a whole new crowd in schools and universities...that cannot get the concept of inflation in their minds.  They can understand the concept of a Starbucks $6 a cup of coffee going to $6.50 but then they respond....'so what'.  

If you handed the same crowd just $6 for their morning coffee....they'd respond that they need another 50 cents, and just wish inflation away with the free 50 cents.  

That's the reality of 2022.

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