Monday 28 November 2022

Trying To Explain The FTX Scandal To A 10-Year Old Kid

 So you sit 'Timmy' in a chair, and you start with: 'This guy had this idea to sell invisible beans as money.'

Timmy is already shaking his head.

This this idea after watching Ninja Turtles or some zombie movies.

Sammy went out and hyped up this idea that if you bought his invisible'd be worth X, and possibly gain by day.

Along came these folks who had real money, but didn't want to admit they had real money.  So they bought some of Sammy's invisible move from Hong Kong to the US, or from the US to Hong Kong.

All along, Sammy  was hyping how great it was to have invisible money.

Sammy started talking about all this profit he had, and he was given real money (not the invisible money) to various political people.  Why he couldn't give the invisible money to basically a mystery.

Somewhere along the way, Sammy started having sex day by day, with fellow workers (actually VIP employees).  The people buying the invisible money....didn't really care.

When Sammy got interviewed for TV....he usually showed up in shorts and a t-shirt.

At some point, the value of the invisible money shifted, and in roughly a week....the vault of invisible money and real money....just literally disappeared.  Sammy was very shocked.

At this point....literally everyone was shocked that the invisible money was gone, and that you couldn't invent more invisible money to make up for the lost invisible money.

Timmy interrupts you to ask.....isn't this where the fed guys or the FBI would enter? 

Well....Timmy, normally....yeah.  But no one from the FBI or fed stuff really cares.  There's some kind of orange demon guy running around and real law thugs just don't have time to waste on invisible money.  

To be honest on this as well Timmy....Sammy shared a lot of his real money (not the invisible money), with political people, and they were supposed to provide invisible support/ further the invisible agenda.  

Timmy starts getting impatient about this invisible money story, and finally asks....what's the damn morale to this fable?

Well...Timmy, it's OK to have invisible friends....but once you have real money in your hand.....don't go pretending it relates in some way to real money.  A nickel is a nickel, unless you swapped it for some invisible money.  

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