Monday 30 January 2023

Is There Trump-Derangement-Syndrome?

 Yes, and there is also CNN-Derangement-Syndrome, FDR-Derangement-Syndrome, Fauci-Derangement-Syndrome, Pelosi-Derangement-Syndrome, NCAA-Football-Derangement-Syndrome, and Woke-or-Anti-Woke-Derangement-Syndrome.

What this amounts've been conditioned in different ways to object or see things in some rational way.  It's like Hunter Biden-Derangement-Syndrome or Joe Biden-Derangement-Syndrome.  Both gentlemen are seen 'demons' and need some kind of exorcism performed.

Part of the blame is social media, but a fair amount goes back to news cycles and the constant bombardment of BS/propaganda.  

I can think of around twenty-five individuals now....if they should appear on the TV, my initial reaction is to mute the TV until it's done.  I can think of three sports figures that have made it to my mute-list.

Here's the thing....this feeling is not going away or lessening.  If anything, you have teenagers and juveniles now....acting out on derangement syndrome problems, and unable to present anything but a fragile understanding of reality.

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

The last time we owned a television set was sometime last century.
We have zero-zero-zero interest in televisionprogramming.