Sunday 8 January 2023

'Is' Versus 'Identifies As'

 I sat and read a simple commentary by a Seerut K. Chawla over at Twitter....where the statement was "I find it absurd that ‘identifies as’ has replaced ‘is.’

It's a simple thought.....your kid "Wilson" gets up one day (at age 7) and announces that he is no longer human.  Then Wilson says....he will identify as a robot.  So Wilson starts doing this herky-jerky motions and speech patterns of a 1980s TV show robot.....which you think is cute.  Eight hours later....he is still herky-jerky and talking like a robot.  Four days later....he still does it.

Two weeks into this, you confront Wilson and suggest that modern robots (like you see in all these Alien movies).....lack the herky-jerky stuff and all speak like human beings.  In blunt tell Wilson to give up the act.

Wilson counters this....saying he is analog robot....not as advanced as these fake modern robots.  Wilson is blunt.....he's not returning to normal.  

After two months of take Wilson to a mental clinic....concerned that he's a bit nuts over this behavior.  An hour into this.....the PhD guy says Wilson's ok.....that he has the 'right' to identify as something else.  

You walk out into the parking lot....pulling out a cigarette and doing a long 'drag' on it.  'This-ain't-right' is in your mind.  

As you return home....your wife comes up to you....announcing that she now identifies as a tramp/whore/slut/harlot.  She's dressed in some $20 blouse from Wal-Mart that displays all her assets.  As the days pass, she utters whorish comments throughout the day....continually winking at you....acting bizarre at times (even at Piggly Wiggly while shopping).

After a month of ask her to go over to the mental clinic.  The PhD guy examines her and says to you....she has the 'right' to identify as something else. 

You confront the PhD guy this time and are a sane, balanced, rational, and logical human.  You then state the don't need to identify or classify simple 'ARE'.

It is a complex society developing where people are identifying left and right....using little to no logic or reasoning for their transformation.  

People could identify as 'Elvis' by simply putting on a $90 shirt, applying grease to their hair, and singing a Elvis-tune.  

You could have a boss who identifies as a full-time golfer and part-time worker....showing up in the office in golf attire and carrying his clubs each day.  Every team meeting would be limited to 15 minutes because he's always hyped-up on tee-time.  

The only sane one around you?  Your dog....who seems to still be a dog, and hasn't done much to 'identify as'....except demand the extra-expensive dog treats.

Here's the thing.....society or mankind....can only function with a certain small percentage who walk around in this 'identify-as' stage.  When you reach a point that more than 50-percent of people are 'identify-as' can't rationally deal with this on a daily basis.  It's like saying half of mankind are mildly to serious insane, and they can drive heavy equipment, run nuclear plants, or handle serious life conditions.

After a while....all of these robot-kids and slut-wives....will have to return to normal, or the whole system fails.  

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