Wednesday 1 February 2023

The Lab Chatter

 If you've been following Twitter the last couple of might have noticed a fair amount of talk over bio labs in the Ukraine.

To simplify this, and lay this the end of the Warsaw Pact days and shutdown of the Soviet Union (evolving into Russia)....all of the biological labs in the Ukraine were left 'free'.  

Someone, with a fair amount of money....walked in and laid some type of claim to them (not the Russians in this case, or the Oligarch folks).  This was rather simple, with just money attached to run various programs.  

If the data and maps are correct....more than twenty labs are funded in some way by the US government.  

Why?  It's probably a question to lay out to the Clinton, Bush, Obama Trump and Biden groups.  For the most part, I don't think the White House itself knows the total number or the amount used to keep the labs open, or the end-purpose of the labs.  

Where this goes?  Someone end up with a truth-commission, and this will be a problem in explaining why funding just kept coming.  

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