Saturday 4 March 2023


 1.  What is 'Whataboutism'?

Basically, your co-worker brought up some intense discussion over a topic which either you know mostly nothing about, or it's opening up a 45-minute discussion which has no end. deflect this, by bring up an entirely different topic.

2.  Are there really a couple of thousand Russian folks in Mexico....who've applied for US asylum?

Well.....YES.  The story is that around 5,000 to 5,500 are there presently, and just in limbo....waiting for the US to 'grant' them 'permission'.  Odds of this?  Biden's folks aren't saying much.  You almost get the impression that they expect some payment or sign each one.

Why aren't they just the other half-million folks?  Unknown.  

3.  If you were an idiot with $100,000 of student loan debt and constantly weeping over Biden's lack of progress on your problem?

My'd best give up on Joe Biden, and get that second job at the bowling alley or Piggly Wiggly.

4.  Far-left in 1976.....would be just 'right-of-center' today....politically speaking.

5  I noticed the mayor of Coronado, California did a interview on his homeless problems in the city.  

Republican guy....100,000 resident town.  They had some homeless issues, and then invented a new policy....'no-pity' is what I'd call it.  Zero-tolerance. 

If you try to camp out on public property....cops come and encourage to get real  help or leave the town.

6.  A majority of Democratic-voters were shown in a 6 Jan topic believe that some elements of what happened on the 6th.....were faked-up or scripted.  If I were a candidate for the Democratic Party for President in'd be a problem that I'd have to explain, or offer to clean up.

7.  Any threat at this point from Putin to NATO.....being worth worrying about?  No.  

Other than talking nuke warfare....there's not much of a threat left.

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