Wednesday 24 May 2023

Just An Odd Story

 It would appear that the Target store folks went out and hired some t-shirt design individual (just happens to be trans) have a line which is a bit....well....'satanic' in nature.

I looked at the t-shirt offered up....simply symbiology of satanic-type.  If you weren't paying'd just slip right by you.

Did Target intend for this to occur?  I kind of doubt it.

I was one of those parents who didn't really care what the kid wore.  I'd simply got 15 minutes to pick-out two t-shirts, and not to exceed x-amount.  Beyond that....I didn't care.  

In today's atmosphere?  Yeah, I'd probably have to ask and see the t-shirt before buying.

Just inviting trouble?  I doubt that the management folks really grasp this satanic angle.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

These united states of America.
Before they can be part of the global anything, they must be destroyed

Solve et coagula -- from the Latin, it translates as 'break it to build it'.
I blame soy.