Monday 15 May 2023


 1.  Did President Obama know about all this Hunter-Joe-deals?

I've thought about this a good bit, and would suggest that from day one of the Obama administration....he paid little to no attention to Joe (as VP).  From the Obama circle?  I think 90-percent of them also paid almost no attention to Joe and his deal-making.  

Then you have to consider....what exactly were these low-level deals that involved a million or two of 'cash'?  

2.  White Supremacy is now considered the greatest threat to America? (President Biden says this) you know of any white supremacists?  On your list of the top 1,000 'fears' or worries.....does this even come up?  Even if you are black.....can you point out any of these supremacists?

3.  Some cities suing force them into making cars more difficult to steal?

Yeah.  It's not a big deal, but it's moving via the court system.  Judges shaking their head over this tactic?  

I worked with a guy who had a daughter in college (2008-2012).  About six weeks into the freshman year.....this girl's car was stolen (never found).  Halfway via 2nd year of college.....2nd car stolen (this one was removed and unusable after find).  3rd car was stolen at the end of the 3rd year of college.  Dad replaced the 4th car with a junker....rusted red color.  This car was never stolen.  

4.  This doomsday cult in Kenya?

Well...the name of the group is 'Good News International Church'.  Presently, what the gov't is saying there.....200-plus folks have died via suicide, in support of the church 'word'.

Method?  Oddly....starvation.

Just ending at 200?  That's the odd part.....police are hinting several hundred folks on the 'lost/unfound' list.  I think it'll reach a thousand by the end....if they find all of them.

5.  Are all of these migrants who entered the US....going to find jobs?

In a recession?  No. 

It's a curious thing, if you think about it....most are headed to major urban centers....anticipating 'help' getting a free hotel-room while they wait.  Who pays for the hotel-room?  City-government, via fed-help.  

Hotels making tons of money?  So far, I'd say yes. 

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