Wednesday 17 May 2023

Ten Observations

 1.  I noticed that Obama said: 'something-something....concerned that Americans 'almost occupy different realities'.

He is suggesting you and in some twilight zone landscape...where you believe reality-x and I believe reality-y.

After a bit of pondering....I tend to agree with this.  I'm not much of a victim....I think mentally-disturbed people should be locked up....I don't think e-cars are a solution...I can't think of any logical reason to be a vegan....NFL football is 'dead' to me....I'm of the mind that CNN is a collection of fifth-grade kids....and so. 

2.  This week, we learned that the Russia collusion thing was a total absolute hoax.  They actually gave out awards to journalists and news organizations, for the hoax.  And now?  Well....they want you to pretend that one occasion was the only hoax.  

3.  Oddly enough....California is about to give unemployment benefits to illegals (they must have a lot of money leftover).  My advice for illegals....haul ass over to California....they got the money.

4.  Once a cop instructs you on something....just one single time....and you just can't agree, whatever happens after that moment is on you.

5.  I sat through a podcast yesterday....where the commentator made the analysis that President Biden is 'sleep-walking' through the decision-process going on presently.  

It's probably the best analysis I've seen in 2023 so far.

Trying to run a 2024 campaign, on this type of landscape?  I don't see how you sell a sleep-walker 'brand'.

6.  Lot of BS yesterday on the belief that Artificial Intelligence (AI) being able to develop reasoning ability....on its own.  If you assign a number priority status to each problem....then AI will eventually reason that only numbers matter.  

In this scenario, it will determine that booze, tobacco, etc (the sin items) should immediately be removed from society, without discussion.   

You might not want AI to learn reasoning.

7.  I noticed in Brit news that after months of people complaining about a fairly big pothole (probably yard-wide hole)....some unknown guy poured in quick-drying cement.  

Authorities reaction?  They are 'hunting' for the guy....he's apparently in trouble for going off and fixing the hole in this manner.

8.  A narrative is not news, or fact.

9.  If you were in 2023....would you be able to grasp this?

10.  Every time I see these drag show episodes....I ask....why can't they be out hauling hay in drag, in July heat?  

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