Saturday 13 May 2023

Twelve Things I Eventually Came To Realize

 1.  About a decade after my 7th/8th/9th grade math and science classes. I regarded this entire 3 year period to be a total waste of time.  Between the material, poor instructors....there was nothing gained.  It'd been better to just skip from the 6th the 10th grade, at least in my case.

2.  Driving around highly urbanized areas like Atlanta, Los Angeles,'s best to avoid if at all possible.

3.  In terms of crazy people.....there's plain-crazy and crazy-crazy. can entertain or talk with.....the other, you need to maintain a 20-foot distance.

4.  An all-you-can-eat probably serving you no more than 2-star food.

5.  Intellectual people are probably the last folks on Earth that you want to take advice from.

6.  Whoever you vote for....for President....probably isn't a Jesus-character or likely to save you from 14,000 issues.

7.  There is a difference in hangovers from beer or whiskey.  One is slightly better than the other.

8.  You don't want to accept an airline reservation where leg #1 delivers you to an airport, where you sit for seven hours waiting for leg #2 to occur....even if it is dirt-cheap ticket.

9.  A woman who has a five-times divorced record....has a lot of things that she wants to tell you about, but it's probably not anything you want to hear.

10.  A no-go precisely that, and if you don't understand the need to experience it one time to better grasp the big world.

11.  Someone who is ultra-fragile....probably doesn't have the wits or understanding to even handle donut-shop clerk job.

12.  Even if you are provided a 300-page manual on operating/repairing a's generally written by an such a form, that the manual is worthless.  

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