Sunday 30 July 2023

Nine Things I Believe

 1.  When some idiot says 'science is set and not be debated'....I keep wondering if it was this way in the 1300s, where someone then stood and said science could not be debated because it was 'done'.

2.  With this dead chef at the Obama residence.....just some odd evidence he had some injuries before he drowned.  Adding to it....three odd 9-1-1 calls come in to alert local authorities about 'something' from three separate DC numbers (Naval Shipyard assignment).  

3.  I think SF authorities will approach the California Governor in 2024....asking for a minimum of 1.5-billion carry the city through 2024 and 2025. repayment.  The minute residents of the state realize it'll happen....more than sixty additional cities will be asking for money as well.

4.  Just odd statistically....if you added up all UFO reports in a normal average year....something like 75-percent occur in the UK and US.  Maybe the other 160-odd countries just don't have a office to receive such reports?  Just makes you wonder.

5.  I just keep wondering....shouldn't there be a Hispanic and black 'Barbie' existing....also with a Hispanic/black 'Ken', and a trans 'Barbie?

6.  CNN says (at least they believe it) that while polling people....most Americans said that you need to make on average....$233,000 a feel comfortable.  That's triple the national standard from 2021.  I'm assuming that if you did make $200k a year....more than half will go to taxes (state, federal, property, sales tax).  And then $25,000 will go to some over-priced Ford or GMC pick-up that you got plain stupid to buy.

7.  US stood up and said it won't allow funding into Niger after the coup last week.  Niger responded....well....keep the money because it looks like homeless people in the US need the money more than Niger folks.  Kinda funny, I admit. Those Niger folks have a sense of humor.  

8.  Elon changed the name of Twitter to 'X'.  Then Elon ordered the Twitter sign on the headquarters building removed, and 'X' to be installed.  Oddly, city inspectors are demanding access to the building to inspect the 'X'.  Elon's security says 'no'.  Just makes you wonder what the inspection is really about (probably a SF regulation that only non-Roman style writing can appear on city buildings).

9.  I have this opinion that the brain-function of about 10-percent of broke or non-functional.

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