Friday 14 July 2023

Seven Observations

 1.  In the end with this White House cocaine episode....the FBI just said 'enough'....they couldn't pin it on anyone.

Oddly, they never said the amount of the baggy.

My view?  If you are crazy stupid and that addicted to walk through security and drag your baggy into the White House, then leave it on a got a pretty serious cocaine-use problem.

2.  Just odd how both Hollywood actors and writers are both striking at the same time.  Also the two groups aren't getting any real reaction by the studios.  

3.  Watching the President daily on this 'trip' to Europe.  You get the impression that he can handle about three hours of reality per day...after that, he's mentally confused.  I'm about to reach the point to suggest that he won't be the candidate for the primary season in 2024.  

4.  Interesting event in North suit going on.  State allows ballot-counting up to 13 days after election day.  Some group say ballots wrap up on election night, period.  Judge will review the situation.

I'd tend to say if you are so goofed-up and incompetent....that you can't count all ballots by noon of the day after the election....something is wrong.

5.  We are probably two years away from having AI-created 'actors' in AI-produced movies.  

6.  Some folks waking up on Twitter as 'creators' that you might be getting a check for $3,000 a month (or more).  

7.  If you walked around and talked to a thousand people ask what threats they's likely that not a single one will say domestic terrorism.


Anonymous said...

Regarding the ending of the investigation of the cocaine found in the Whitehouse. So, what the FBI or Secret Service is telling the US public is that in one of the most secure facilities in the world, if not the most secure, they had no way of checking who had access to this internal area or absolutely no CCTV footage to review of who went into or out of this area. Witnesses? DNA evidence? Nothing?

Ummm ... I call BS on that. It's more likely they discovered exactly who it was but it would be politically damaging to either a foreign dignitary or to the steward president currently residing in the Whitehouse if it was revealed who the person was.

The steward presidents deadbeat Son visited the Whitehouse recently and has a known drug problem. How inconvenient would that be if it were revealed that it was him. There is a foul smell around this whole affair ending now. To me it smells like a over-up.

Imagine the media outcry if this happened during the previous administration. But because it happened during the administration of the "Most Popular President Ever" , nothing but silence. Nothing to see here people. Move along now. Look over there! "Orange Man Bad".

Also, Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself. Yet another cover-up protecting the rich and powerful.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I'll just say that when any addict buys any drug these's not pure. So you might buy a baggy of cocaine and discover later, it had some fentanyl mixed in.

With this in might imagine a scenario where the WH addict shows up for a photo op, and does some line of suddenly in front of the cameras and next to the president...over-dose and die.

It's a near-impossible thing for most of the media to cover and they'd just have a 24-hour period of chatter....then drop the topic entirely.