Saturday 26 August 2023

Could Joe Biden Debate Vivek Ramaswamy In A Presidential Debate?


If we reach October 2024, and Ramaswamy is the Republican candidate (not Trump or DeSantis).....the last thing on Earth that Biden could walk a debate with Ramaswamy.  

Even if you used NPR or CNN people.....Ramaswamy is probably capable of taking Biden AND the moderator on at the same time.  

I'm not saying Ramaswamy is a great politician (he's not), but at debate skills.....there's probably fewer than five House/Senate members existing today that can debate at his level.

The fact that probably one-third of all Republicans in DC....won't saddle-up with the Ramaswamy agenda?  Yeah, that's a problem as well.  Finding people to be in his cabinet to be a problem?  Yeah, there's that issue as well.

But to imagine two debates (Biden versus Ramaswamy) just won't be entertaining to watch Biden bumble around and give confusing answers.  

I might even go and suggest that Biden won't agree to a single debate.  

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