Thursday 16 November 2023

How To 'Read' The White House Cocaine Episode

 Back in July, a baggy with cocaine was found in the White House.  Depending on who describes the situation....there are three different locations on where it was found (don't ask why).

So the Secret Service went out and did a DNA exam on it, and they have the 'code'.

What they say?  They've locked the analysis/code up....nothing else will be done.

So, how to read this?  The Secret Service knows precisely who this leads to (my humble suggestion....President Biden, Hunter Biden, or Jill Biden).  The Secret Service is basically in a bluff situation, where they can earn promotion points or get some advantage out of this.

President Biden smart enough to figure this out?  Yeah, I would suggest that he's aware of the bluff, and as he exits the White House....the DNA exam will disappear quickly and quietly.

Corrupted?  You could say that, but I would imagine it's continually played on all Presidents. 

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