Saturday 18 November 2023

Should Hitler Be Banned Off Twitter/X?

 I noticed this week...some commentary....asking the question if Hitler was around....should Twitter/X ban his commentary?

First, the guy has been dead 28,689 days (up to today).....78 years.

Second, Hitler had a pretty smart 'PR-team' and they would have quickly created their own Nazi-social media platform....ensuring every single German (even teenagers/juveniles) had access to it.

Third, Hitler would have had a TikTok account and done weekly 'funny-things' videos....maybe riding horses, dancing, cooking a cake, swimming in the Rhine, repairing antique motorcycles, or reading stories to kids.

Fourth, I would imagine Hitler would have gotten smart and had some fake Jewish individual to run his pro-Jew commentary.  As much as he would have seemed to be anti-Semitic....there would be just enough doubt to believe he can't possibly be that stupid (kinda like Putin's propaganda unit).

Fifth, at least three-quarters of WOKE-intellectual young people (just out of college) would have bought into the Hitler chatter....thinking he can't possibly be that crazy.

Finally, in this though-provoking idea of banning Hitler....wouldn't Churchill, Marylyn Monroe, Charles Manson, Elvis, and Jesus likely be candidates to be banned off Twitter as well?

(Don't people have better things to contemplate?)

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