Wednesday 27 December 2023

'Black Swain' Chatter

 I sat and watched a CBS news piece, where one of their top folk made the prediction of a 'Black Swain' event in 2024.

I had to look up the meaning of 'Black Swain'.  It sort of event occurring out of thin air (no warning) and having a catastrophic affect for the general public.  I's a crappy word-game and poor definition.

To be honest, under my view.....there must be 15,000 of these 'Black Swain' events every year.  That Alabama deputy (Vicky White) who helped the prisoner to escape (Casey White)....would fall under this stupid word-game.

President Biden tripping up the Air Force One stairway.....'Black Swain'.

But the emphasis by the CBS reporter....this would be an event that folks would remember for decades (like JFK's killing, 1929 Wall Street collapse, and Hitler coming into power).

The fact that President Biden got an county-approved plan for a 'bunker' construction project of some size to be built at his Delaware property?   Maybe he knows something about 2025?

This 'Black Swain' chatter just being BS?  Well....yeah, that's a fair possibility.  Course, maybe she refers to some government chatter over the aliens and UFOs....that some crashed vehicles have been retrieved.

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