Monday 15 January 2024

Hiring Chatter

 I sat and read over this story...admitting, there are not lot of details or facts. What the FAA guys basically say.....they will make some effort to hire that typically....they would hire.

Level of position?  Unknown.  Manager-status?  Unknown.  Security clearance?  Unknown. People with a IQ of 85 or below?  Unknown.  People  with paranoid schizophrenia, or having invisible friends?  Unknown.

The problem I see....people tend to have a level of trust in the FAA (like it used to be with the FBI or National Forest Service).  If you said that 300 FAA employees will exist in the future....with some 'Forest Gump' label/status....I doubt that trust will be maintained.

But this begs the question....why couldn't the CIA, US Army, Border Patrol, or Secret Service....hire up intellectual misfits (maybe even with a PhD) or psychiatric disabled people?  Why can't the House/Senate mandate  at least one or two members of their crowd fit into this category?  Why can't we get a President who is mentally disabled? 

It just seems like something bad is going to evolve out of this....where you'd advance far in life....if you had a FAA job and had an imaginary friend.

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