Saturday 13 January 2024

Three Odd Things I've Noticed

1.  CNN is in some capacity of reporting that SecDef Austin somehow ordered and then monitored the strikes in Yemen....'real-time' from his hospital bed.


Based on reports of his health....I'd suggest the guy is on some type of pain-killer, and if he ordered anything....he probably doesn't remember much of the order.

2.  NBC News has apparently laid off several dozen news save on cost.

Odds that Artificial Intelligence (A-I) will replace the folks?  I'd bet money on that.

3.  “Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren't being picked by many immigrants... many illegal immigrants.” Quote by Rep Jerry Nadler.

I stopped and pondered over this.  To be honest, if you asked a thousand Americans to put in eight hours per help harvest some farmer's fruit/vegetables (getting a bushel themselves in the process).....99-percent would say 'no'.

So this illegal immigrant statement might be right.  But in 25 this new group of migrants get 'whitish' in their behavior.....they won't pick fruit or vegetables either.  

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