Wednesday 10 January 2024

What Mexico Wants?

 President Obrador of Mexico stood up and said that they'd really like to close off the border to support the US, then he said four conditions:

1.  $20-billion per year.  It would be dispersed to Mexico and Central American countries, on some basis  (they skipped over how the loot would be divided up).

2.  End of sanctions to Venezuela.  

3.  End of sanctions and allow full-trade to Cuba.

4.  Give work-visas to 10-million from the region.

To be honest, elections are so crappy in most Central and South American countries....that this gimmick of sanctions against Cuba and Venezuela.....makes little sense.

As for the $20-billion....if the migration was going to be fully might be worth the money.  But I don't see how Mexico can promise such an action.

This will be chatted over for a week or two....then dropped.

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