Thursday 18 April 2024

'Lost' Money

 I sat and read through four issues yesterday:

1.  The US gov't gave Ukraine around $6.2 billion dollars last year....if you asked how it was spent?   No one has any idea.

2.  Over the past five years....the state of California went and spent $24 billion dollars on homelessness, but they can't really tell you how even a nickel of the money was spent.

3.  Yearly, the Pentagon spends just over $2.3 trillion dollars, yet they also can't say much over how it was spent.

4.  Our US Treasury spent around $5 trillion dollars over Covid spending, but if you asked how it was spent....they have no idea.

I pondered these issues.  I can ask my wife (German nature) about grocery spending and where 250 Euro went last week, and she'll identify each item  in the cart and roughly what they cost.  If you asked me about all my new tire purchases from the past 10 years....I can pull out the receipts and tell you down to the last cent what I spent.

So I'm not really buying into the 'lost' nature of money and how you just pretend there's no paperwork/receipts.  

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