Wednesday 10 April 2024

NPR Chatter


There was a fair amount of chatter yesterday across Twitter...over NPR.

The trend?  Well....'clicks' upon NPR-related stories are way down....probably by 60-percent.  

A key-player within NPR also admitted that a fair number of the employees are now far-left in political beliefs.

Fixable? can't release or fire the group without a massive court episode.

From the 1980s through most of the 1990s....I listened to 30 min a day (mostly when jogging) on average of NPR.  Around 2004, I gave up on the network....considering more or less a propaganda organization.

My fix?  I'd go to the states and public stations that the US government finances (not NPR itself).....and just do a 50-percent cut on their money.  Then I'd tell them....each'll be another 50-percent cut.  At that point, the listening audience within 3 years will be so dismal....that NPR will just dissolve itself.

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