Saturday 12 October 2024

'Lost' Revisited

 About two weeks ago, I started re-watching 'Lost' (the TV series).  I'm about half-way through season one at present.   Ten comments:

1.  I finished off 'Lost' in 2010, and haven't watched it since.   To be honest, I was rather disgruntled by season five  and six. Seasons one through four?  It was probably the best written series that TV ever produced.   

2.  My heroes of the series?  Mostly Hurley, Mister Ecko, and Desmond. 

3.  This whole time-travel gimmick, flash-forward, flash-sideways and hell-versus-heaven  concept?  It failed in the end.

4.  How Hurley survived on the island....never losing weight?  I kept coming back to this key point.

5.  'Little Smokey'?  It made no sense.

6.  Doctor Artz...the high school science teacher?  The guy who got blown up after showing up in one single episode?  I kept thinking....what if he'd survived and been around at the end.

7.  Selling me on polar bears on the island?  It didn't work.

8.  Too many characters with speaking parts?  This was a big negative to me.  Through the six seasons....there must be at least a thousand characters.

9.  Too many 'hints'?  Per each episode....I'd say you got at least 15 serious 'hints', and at least half of the end....meant nothing (just added to make the show 'juicy').

10. the end to counter the evil 'John Locke'.....I would have preferred Mister Ecko to pick up the task (instead of Jack). 

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